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...........مرحبا بك..................

من أنا

انسان طبيعى محب للمعرفة والجديدفى مختلف العلوم

الخميس، فبراير 14، 2019

You got notification from DocuSign Service


Review and sign an invoice.
Dear Receiver,

Please review this invoice
It is an automatically created notification.

This message keeps a secure link to DocuSign. Do not share this code with other people.

Alternative Signing Method
Please visit DocuSign.com, click 'Access Documents', and enter the code: 0E9975CA14

About DocuSign
Sign invoice electronically in just few clicks. It is safe. Whether you are at work, home or on-the-go -- DocuSign provides a professional solution for Digital Operations Management.

Questions regarding an Invoice?
In case you need to edit the document or have questions , contact the sender directly.

If you cannot sign the document, see the Help with Signing page on our support .

This message was sent to you by DocuSign Electronic Signature Service.


الأربعاء، فبراير 13، 2019

This is an automatic eFax Notification



Fax Message Caller-ID: 4749 845 6236,

You have got a 6 page fax at 02-13-2018 08:35:44 GMT.

*The reference # is ss7_pub29-95537960932432-3339591-90.

Visit www.efax.com/efax-help-center if you have any questions concerning this note.

The eFax Team

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2006-2018 j2 Global, Inc. and affiliates.
eFax is a trademark of j2 Global, Inc. and affiliates.
21026 Hollywood St, Los Angeles, CA 92725

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This is efax Notification



Fax Message ID: 8179 745 4934,

You have received a 5 page(s) fax at 02-13-2018 10:37:47 GMT.

*Your reference number for this fax is ks9_stj03-98533960374464-5848443-58.

Please visit www.efax.com/efax-help-center if you have any questions regarding this notification or service.

The eFax Group

j2 footer
2006-2018 j2 Global, Inc. and affiliates.
eFax is a trademark of j2 Global, Inc.
81528 Hollywood St, Los Angeles, CA 92735

*** This is an automatic message, do not reply directly to this email address *** Privacy Policy.

الثلاثاء، فبراير 12، 2019

USPS Package Delivery Unsuccessful Attempt Notice



Delivery attempt fail notification on February 6th, 2019 , 09:15 AM.

The delivery attempt was unsuccessful because nobody was present at the delivery address, so this notification was sent automatically. You may arrange redelivery by visiting your nearest USPS location with the printed invoice mentioned down below. In case the package is NOT arranged for redelivery within 72 hrs, it is going to be returned to the sender.

Get Invoice

To find out more about Informed Delivery, go to the Informed Delivery Guidelines .

Get USPS Apps
Image of the Google Play Icon. Image of the App Store Icon.

USPS.com| Privacy| Customer Service| Help Center

This is an electronic e mail don't reply to this notification. This note is for the specified receiver only and may possibly consist of private or private information. If you have obtained it in error, please delete. Any other use of the e-mail by you is not allowed.

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USPS Delivery Unsuccessful Attempt Notice



Package delivery attempt fail notice on February 6th, 2019 , 10:27 AM.

The shipping was unsuccessful because nobody was present at the shipping address, so this notice was automatically sent. You may rearrange delivery by seeing your nearest USPS with the printed invoice mentioned down below. If the parcel is NOT arranged for redelivery within 48 hrs, it is going to be shipped back to the sender.

Get Invoice

To learn a lot more about Shipping and delivery, visit the Delivery FAQs.

Download USPS Mobile?�
Image of the Google Play Icon. Image of the App Store Icon.

USPS.com| Privacy| Customer Service| FAQs

This is an electronic email please do not reply to this letter. This message is for the chosen individual only and may contain privileged, private or personal data. If perhaps you have obtained it in error, please delete. Any other use of the e-mail by you is prohibited.

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